Stories Unfolded | The Jolly Blogger Award


To get you in the holiday spirit I wanted to share some exciting news!  I’ve been nominated by Coffee n’ Notes for The Jolly Blogger Award.  What a great way to start Christmas!

Thank you so much for the nomination Coffee n’ Notes!  I really appreciate my followers and how supportive they are of my blog.


1. Answer the twelve questions that have been left for me

2. Create twelve new questions

3. Nominate ten lovely bloggers!

So here it goes:


What is on your Christmas Wish list?

This year I didn’t really have a Christmas Wish List other than being able to spend time with my family.  I’ve been so busy with work and wedding planning that I haven’t been able to visit people close to me.  I will get to see everyone this Christmas and I can’t wait!

What would be the perfect Christmas?

Spending time with my family (there’s a theme here) and cuddling up next to my fiancé while we watch a Christmas movie together.

What’s your favorite winter make-up look?

I don’t really think about a particular “look” for the season in regards to my make-up.  I just wear what works with my complexion.  That’s usually a lot of neutral colors.

Do you believe in Santa?

No, but I don’t spoil it for others especially my youngest sister.  She’s 10 now and still believes in Santa.

What is your favorite Christmas food or drink?

I love my fiancé’s homemade hot chocolate.  He makes it right before we watch the Christmas carolers in our neighborhood.  It’s a big performance and yummy hot chocolate.

Will you be traveling for Christmas, if so where?

I will be travelling, but not far.  My dad’s house is only an hour away.

 Would you prefer Christmas with or without snow?

Without.  I really don’t like snow, but that’s because I can’t stand the cold.

Do you like eggnog?

Nope.  I’ve never liked eggnog, but I do have a funny story.  When my fiancé and I were hosting a Christmas party, he asked for me to start working on making eggnog while he picked up a few things.  Since I don’t like eggnog and never drink it, I didn’t really know what to expect when making it myself.  I followed my fiancé’s recipe exactly, but the recipe he found skipped a ton of steps and was even missing the main ingredient.  Needless to say, we didn’t serve eggnog at our party.

What is your favorite winter clothing?


Do you leave Santa cookies, if so who eats them?

I don’t recall leaving Santa cookies, but I’m sure my siblings and I did at some point.

What was the best gift you ever received?

I don’t think I can pinpoint just one gift, but obviously I love when I get books.

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

Dressing my baby sister up in her Christmas outfit and taking her to see Santa.


Paris Baker’s Book Nook

Living Life With Joy

Books Over People

Friendly Bookworm

One More Page

Cleopatra Loves Books

Sand Between The Pages


Since it is Christmas Eve, I’m asking my nominees the same questions I was asked.  They are pretty great questions.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!

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One thought on “Stories Unfolded | The Jolly Blogger Award

  1. coffeennotes December 25, 2014 at 1:51 am Reply

    That was so funny to read and very romantic as well. Thank you so much for sharing the joy of this tag 🙂 Sounds like you are having a great Christmas ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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